Hey gang… well, we’re gonna see if this works.
Now that Project Wonderful has closed, the chance to earn a few bucks here and there for the strip has also closed. Truth be told, unless I did a big PW ad campaign, I didn’t really rake in any big bucks but my PW ad revenue helped off set a lot of little costs here and there – mainly conventions. It wasn’t uncommon for me to use my PW ads to pay for convention tables at several shows during the time I was regularly posting Capes & Babes strips.

So… I’m going to see how many of you all might be willing to become a Capes & Babes Patreon with the chance to earn several different rewards. One way I’m trying to sweeten the deal is with an idea that started quite a while again but I never pulled the trigger. For those that are regular listeners to the Webcomic Alliance Podcast, you all know I have been thinking of creating a Roy the Werewolf spin-off strip that deals with a lot more current political or social issues. I don’t want to put those on the main Capes & babes site due to a lot of various reasons. Plus, putting these new strips on Patreon allows me to still table in various Kids Love Comics areas of conventions without worrying about parents being concerned about my more PG-13 related Capes & Babes strips.

I already started this in the current Cartoonists Draw Blood comic book anthology (out now) featuring a story of how Roy is being allowed to use the public libraries in his area due to a werewolf band. It’s a four page story featuring Hippie Mummy, Roy, Roni and Ms. Red Hood. If you’re interested, post a comment or send me an email. Each book is $5 with a few extra $$$ for postage and handling. I am also currently selling them at various conventions on the East Coast as well.

About Patreon

For those that may not be familiar with Patreon, it is a way for people to show their appreciation for an artist by supporting them on a monthly or per project basis. You can sign up for a tier reward  – very similar to Kickstarter or Indiegogo – but you don’t have to wait to see if the project gets funded or not. Once you sign up for a tier, you immediately get all the rewards in that tier for an entire month. Then, on the first of the next month, your credit card or Payopal account gets charged for the amount you signed up for.

So, for example, you can sign up for the $1 Capes & Babes tier and you’ll get everything inside that tier for the month of September. Then, on October 1st, you will get billed. But the best thing about Patreon is that you can cancel at any time or set a budget to how much you want to spend and you’ll never get charged over the budget limit you set up.

For the new Roy the Werewolf strips, I will be posting them in the $3 tier. You get a few more things than just the comic strip but this is where they will be put now. For an introductory time though, I am putting the very first few strips in the $1 tier for this month. You can click the link below or click the new Patreon sidebar ad I just recently created and either one will take you directly to my Patreon page. Here is the direct link:


Cartoon werewolves reward tier

You guys have been fans of Capes & Babes for over nine years now and have enjoyed seeing me at conventions. For those that have met me in person know that I draw people as cartoon werewolves right at my table just for tips. I’d like to see if we can emulate that same type of fun online by offering to do the same online. That tier is $10 but in addition to your digital werewolf illustration, you will also get a time lapse video of me drawing you as a werewolf. Again, click the Patreon link above to see if you might be interested in this.

Thanks everyone!