NC Comic Con Promo…
That’s right, folks! Just like Roy says… if you attend the NC Comic Con, come to my table and mention “Werewolves of London”, I will give you something for FREE! And, if you come to my table and SING a few bars of “Werewolves of London”, I’ll even throw in something extra as well!
But you gotta come to the show.
And you gotta say the magic words. Or sing them too! Either one (or both) and you’ll get something for FREE!
To learn more, you can go here:
In this blog post update, I want to tell you a little story – I hope you don’t mind…
You see, 357 days ago, I had a table set-up at the Two-Day VA Comic Con and business was going pretty good. My wife was able to actually attend the first day with me so she finally got to see first hand what I do when I go on these Con trips. Sure, I tell her about each and every show but this was the first time she also got to experience the excitement along with me instead of just hearing about it.
Anyway, in the afternoon, this very personable fellow came up to both of us and commented how impressed he was with my table set-up. As we continued talking, he mentioned how much of a fan he was of the strip and ended up buying a book. But our conversation continued.
We talked about a great many things but mostly the conversation was about how and why I got started. I re-told the story of how Brad Guigar and Danielle Corsetto took the time to talk to me at the Baltimore Comic con in 2007 and really encouraged me to join their little club called “webcomics”. We talked very much in-depth about my table set-up and decisions I make for each show or why I decided to do certain things here and not do certain things there.
It was, without a doubt, a fantastic conversation. It left me feeling like I was giving back what Brad and Danielle had given me. And that’s important because I truly believe – a baseball player and coach… as an artist and teacher… as a husband and father… that we ALL should give back what someone has given us.
So fast-forward to almost a year later and in almost three hours, I’m getting ready to leave work and drive four hours to the NC Comic Con where I will be sharing a hotel room with that same guy – and now really good friend – Rob Anderson.
As you may know, since that VA Comic con experience, Rob has gone on to set-up Panda Dog Press where he writes a terrific series called Animal Control. he has also gone on to display at Heroes Con and Baltimore Con. At heroes Con, we were accidentally and randomly seated across the aisle from one another. In Baltimore, we were table mates. And now at the NC Comic Con, we will be room mates for a weekend.
But none of this would have happened without that conversation at the VA Comic con.
And really, when it comes right down to it, that’s really the moral of this little story is all about. We webcomic creators can easily get caught up chasing ‘the big guys” or chasing “internet numbers” that we completely lose sight of one of building relationships and friendships with one another. I know, in the three years I have done Capes & Babes, the number of creator friends I’ve made far exceeds the weight or importance of my readership numbers. I know the later is important in terms of making Capes & Babes a viable entity on the web but somewhere along the way, the friendships you make have to be as equal or more important because, really, those are the things that truly last forever.
And with that, I encourage you all to do everything you can to find your own Dawn Griffins, Tyler James’, Matt Stouts, Joe Combss and Rob Anderson’s (to name just a very few) in your own creator universe. It will make your life – and your comic – so much more better and worth doing with friends like these in your life.
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