Marvel Universe travelling advice…
Really, there should be some kind of travel agency that’s willing to publish these kinds of guidelines, dontcha think?
Had kind of a tough weekend though… Seems like a lot of the people I follow on Twitter have recently caught some kind of bug and Twittered about it. That must have triggered something in me ’cause I came down with something late Friday afternoon. Was in bed for most of the weekend – and when I wasn’t in bed, I just basically felt like sitting around and doing nothing. But fortunately, I already had this week’s strips drawn and inked (but not yet digitally finished). AND I was able to finish reading KISS: Unmasked, a book my wife and daughter got for me for my birthday.
I also watched two really old movies – The Gods Must Be Crazy and The ‘Net, with Sandra Bullock (Hubba! Hubba!). The Gods Must Be Crazy still holds up in its unusual and quirky way (even though it was a 1980 film). The Net? No, that one doesn’t hold up very well at all. But it was still enjoyable to watch in a nostalgic, Wargames kind of way.
It was actually enjoyable to watch all the old Mac system 7 graphics being used throughout the movie. And it’s really funny to watch an entire security system be destroyed by a 3.5 floppy disc!
Anyway, enjoy today’s strips you Gambit and X-men fans!
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