Boy, lots to talk about in tonight’s post.
First: A big huge hand to Krishna of PC Weenies for allowing me to invite his characters to play in my digital playground for a bit. The Bogus Buy salesperson is Bob – the main character of Krishna’s strip. If you haven’t heard of PC Weenies before, go check his strip out. It’s ALWAYS in full color too!

Second: I just finished participating in only my second ever interview – but my very first LIVE interview on Talkshoe. My first interview was a couple of years ago by a fan of my other strip, “CMX Suite” but Talkshoe didn’t exist back then so that “interview” was done by recording. I got a recording of the questions, I recorded my answers and then the whole thing was spliced together.

Tonight was my very first LIVE interview – and it was also the very first that focused primarily on Capes & Babes. Jamais interviewed me for his Webcomic Reviews and Interviews podcast. It was a great hour and 15 minutes or so talking not just about Capes & Babes but also about autism, my wife being the inspiration behind Joey, Roy’s development as a more – ahem – fleshed out character and a whole bunch of other stuff. Jamais really did his homework and had a lot of great and interesting questions about Capes & Babes.

I was going to post a link to the Talkshoe Flash recording of the show until I realized that I screwed up the first 10 minutes or so of Jamais’ show because Talkshoe kept refusing to acknowledge my cell phone number. I kept hearing Jamais through my laptop speakers as I had the chatroom up but couldn’t actually dial in to the show.

So, there I was trying desperately to dial in with one hand and trying to type with the other that I was TRYING to get through. AND I WAS EARLY TOO!!! Jamais, I sincerely apologize for all of that dead air. I hope you can somehow edit that out. But if not, I humbly lower my head in terrible, terrible shame – 20 lashes with a wet noodle for me!

When (or if) Jamais can edit that 10 minutes of dead air out, I’ll post the interview here and on one of the side bars.

Overall, it was a great experience and I stayed around after the interview and chatted with a few people in the Talkshoe chatroom. Hopefully, I sound at least a LITTLE bit entertaining but I’ll let you all decide.

How’d I do?

