Katsucon 17… #511
For those of you that follow me either on Facebook or on Twitter, you know this past weekend, my daughter and I attended Katsucon 17 on Saturday. Katsucon is one of the biggest anime conventions in this area. It’s three days long but runs 24 hours from Friday to Sunday morning. I should also mention, if you’ve only gone to comic book conventions, anime conventions are a completely different breed, my friend. There are cosplayers galore and you really have to be careful where you walk as you probably just walked between people taking pictures of other cosplayers.
Anyway, my daughter and I got there relatively early (I thought) on Saturday. We were just going to do the walk-up thing as last year didn;t seem to be too big of a problem – but I forgot last year, we went on a Sunday… not a Saturday. Needless to say, after an hour and 15 minutes, we finally got our badges and were free to walk the floor. My daughter met up with some of her friends that were already there. I already knew she wanted to do a bunch of stuff with her friends so we agreed to meet for lunch and they went their way and I went mine. Of course, the first place I wanted to check out was Artist Alley and the Merchant Room.
Katsucon is a con that I REALLY want to try and get a table at in Artist Alley but every year, I’m told AA is sold out. So I was VERY disappointed when I finally entered Artist Alley and saw multiple rows of empty tables. At first, I thought the artists were just late or hadn’t arrived at the con yet. I know some people travel great distances to go to these shows so I thought they were just late arrivals – still kind of odd they were so late that they still weren’t at the Saturday show by 11:00am. Anyway, I kept walking around thinking these tables would eventually fill up as they still had names reserved for them – but that never happened.
I had heard various rumors throughout the day why there were so many empty tables but that’s all I can say they were – rumors. n the way home, my daughter and I talked about possible plans for next year’s show. If all goes well or works out for everyone, the plan is for her to go with her friends and get a hotel with them while I take up residency in Artist Alley. That is, IF I can get a table next year.
Anyway, in terms of Artist Alley, I saw Danielle Corsetto again – I always try to say hi whenever we’re at a show together or, as in this case, I’m just a fan walking around. I ended up getting Volume Five of her book. It gave me a lot of new ideas for all the extra content I’m currently working on for “You STILL Can’t Print Flick” – the second collection of Capes & Babes.
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