It’s a Homage…
Yeah, I know the word is properly pronounced “Oh-Ma-uh-g” but it’s funnier if you mispronounce it. And Roy was never great at properly pronouncing words correctly. maybe it’s the fur or maybe it’s his gangs too… who the heck knows. But I hope you enjoy today’s strip and more fun with my friend, Elijah Pipkin, nevertheless.
An early morning update:
A special thanks goes out to Garrett Williams for pointing out that I had “Barb” instead of “Bard” in the first panel. This is actually the SECOND time I have made that mistake. I don’t know why I have “Barb” on the brain when it comes to this Shakespeare clone character. UGH!
In actuality, that was only one of two mistakes I had made in this strip. Originally, in the same panel, I had accidentally inked Roy with four fingers and not three. I caught my mistake after that and for a while, I debated about possibly leaving it in and maybe running a new “Find the mistake” contest. But ultimately, I fixed the problem in Photoshop before uploading the strip.
And speaking of uploads… today’s strip is another example of why WordPress and the newer versions of ComicPress really rocks. In the past (as well as with my earlier website design), I would have had to wait until I got home around 5:00pm this afternoon before I could have fixed the strip and uploaded it via my FTP connection. But today, I decided to try WordPress/Comicpress’ image upload feature to fix the strip. That’s why you now see “Bard” instead of “Barb” in the first panel.
Now, I just gotta remember to fix the high resolution TIFF file when i get home this evening so I don’t accidentally include it in any future book compilations…