Before I begin my blog, I feel it’s only fair that I start off by apologizing to my friend, Tovias ( as he’s really responsible for coming up with the idea for this strip – only… it really wasn’t an “idea”. It was a “real life event” that he twittered about and, as I told him then, “That’s SO going into the strip!”. So, Tovias, to paraphrase a certain beer commercial, “This strip’s for YOU!”.

Now on to other stuff…
If anyone has any friends or contacts at LeapFrog Solutions in Oakton, Virginia, can you please pass along a good word for me? I am getting ready to apply to them and could use all the good karma and well wishes I can get.

Here’s some stuff I have been working on for my job search:

My 2009 Personal business card

And for a close-up of the art that’s on the back of the card:

Me in a business suit

Thanks everyone.
