How many of you all are planning on seeing “Watchmen” Friday night? Well, if you’re in the Richmond, Virginia area – specifically the Regal Cinema 20 theaters to be precise – thanks to Lee, the manager of that theater, I will be passing out Capes & Babes postcards and fliers with my wife in the lobby until I am completely out of material to give away.

I met Lee at the Virginia Comicon a week or so ago and after a really great conversation, he invited me to give away some of my promotional material before the movie.

Now, all of that sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? Well, it gets even better than that because, you see, not only will I be doing this Friday night but I will finally be able to get to share some of my Capes & Babes experiences with my wife. On our wedding anniversary.

Okay, okay… it’s not “technically” our wedding anniversary. Truthfully, our anniversary is the NEXT night but it sounds so much better if we just pretend March 6th is our REAL anniversary as opposed to March 7th. And no, I’m not going to tell you how many years we’ve been together except to say that it’s now in the double digits. 🙂

The thing is, we both love super hero movies so this will be a treat for both of us. One of the things I sometimes envy when I go to cons is seeing a boyfriend and girlfriend or a husband and wife team together to sell stuff at a con because I know that would be something my wife would probably really enjoy. For those of you out there that do go to cons with your partner, I hope you realize how special it is to share those moments with one another – whether you’re the artist or the “support team”.

When we were younger, my wife and I did travel and do a lot of things together. In fact, she quite often traveled with me whenever I played in a baseball tournaments all over Virginia. That was a lot of fun traveling with her and I’m sure she would love to experience the convention atmosphere as I have experienced it all last year seeing as she spent one summer working in a comic book shop. I think that’s one of the reasons I think we both enjoy watching superhero movies together.

It’s also just one more reason why I am so looking forward to Friday night.

So thank you for the invitation, Lee. It really does mean a lot.
