Help support the second book…
Folks, the second book is finally complete but I need your help. I’m looking for a possible new one to help offset the cost of printing the book… something a little different from a pre-sale as I understand Paypal doesn’t look too kindly on pre-sales of any kind.
Therefore, I thought I’d offer something a little different. Think of it like an online car wash that’s based entirely on donations. I’m sure you’ve driven past places offering car washes simply for donations, right? Well, that’s kind of what I’m thinking about here.
Make a donation for ANY amount you want and you’ll get a five page sample of the second book!
If you’re interested, just click the donation button below, go to my CSF Graphics Paypal donation page, send me a donation and I’ll send you five pages of the second book in a PDF format.
I think that sounds pretty cool. What do you think?
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