Does anyone remember the Kevin Smith Daredevil vs. Bullseye mini-series he started to write way back in 2001 (I believe). Because of all of his movie commitments, he ended up only writing one issue. Since it’s been so long since that original story saw the printing press, I was just having a little fun imagining how OLD Daredevil and Bullseye might be when Kevin decides to finish the script he started.  🙂

Tomorrow is the Presidential election here in America. If you’re in the Virginia Beach area, don’t believe any of the fliers that are supposedly being distributed in that area that says the election will be postponed or extended to November 5th. That has NEVER happened in American history.

This is not a plea to vote for one candidate over another. It is simply a plea to vote. Period. Even if you don’t have a preference for either McCain or Obama, there are still other choices in which you can have your voice heard. Voting is a cherished right in this country and we should do everything in our power to be heard. To paraphrase the rock band RUSH… “even if you decide not to make a choice, you STILL have made a choice”.

I know my choice will be at the voting booth tomorrow. Where will yours be?
