Dee Plane… Dee Plane…
[Edit – Friday, 11:15am]:
Hmmmm… I’ve just been informed that my little Wonder Woman strip was already done in an episode of Family Guy. In fact, it was done two years ago by… yours truly:
But even though I originally did this sketch in July of 2006, it looks like the Family Guy STILL beat me to it by a few months:
Well… crap on that! All I can say is that my original sketch from my blog WAS original at the time… at least so much so that I had never seen the aforementioned Family Guy episode. And no one ever brought it up in the forum where I fist posted my blog sketch so maybe there’s a lot of other people out there that never saw the original Family Guy episode either.
For my part, I just fleshed it out into comic strip form instead of a one panel art jam blog entry. And I got rid of the “Top Gun” references in the single panel gag as well. But really, I would be interested to know when the Family Guy episode ran. I never saw that episode but I would be interested to see if it ran before 2006. If I get inspired by – or influenced by – an idea, I make sure to note that somewhere in the credits.
In this case, since I’m not aware of the Family Guy episode, I can’t actually say the idea of Wonder Woman pooping in her invisible jet came from that episode. If I was aware of it, I would have put some kind of disclaimer that might have said “Inspired by or with apologies to The family Guy…” or something to that effect.
Okay… this has GOT to be a web comic record. One strip fully completed and posted in two hours. Got home tonight from work at 9:30pm and immediately started working on tomorrow’s strip (I’m behind because I’m dealing – suddenly – with a bunch of “deadline” stuff at work). And now it’s 11:30pm and I’m posting the strip for tomorrow.
Well, okay, it may not be a “true” web comic record but it’s certainly a “personal best” web comic record. 🙂
Oh… before I forget, a HUGE amount of praise goes out to Major Spoilers who deemed me funny enough to mention me on their home page with a blog enty. Here’s the link:
For those creative types here whom have day time jobs… do you ever get the feeling that when your bosses get insecure with your “side work” that they suddenly pile on crap for you do? It’s like… if they can pile enough work on you, it’ll keep you too busy to pursue or concentrate on your OTHER interests? Well, that’s how I’m beginning to feel at my work. Ever since I got my full color Capes ‘N’ Babes postcards printed up and a few people at work asked for them, I’ve SUDDENLY been inundated with a ton of work.
Coincidence? We shall see.
Currently listening to… silence.
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