Dear Diary…
So, Joey is trying to avoid Roy at all costs. How many of you have been in very similar situations? And what were some of the crazy things you did to try and avoid the person you didn’t want to see or talk to? Share you answers in the comment section if you want.
That little contest I had on Friday…
As you all may recall, I held a little impromptu contest on Friday when I realized, after posting the strip, I actually had made a mistake. I told anyone who wanted to take up the challenge that if you e-mailed me your guesses as to what the mistake was, I’d send you a digital wallpaper of the cover of the second book. Quite a few of you decided to take up the challenge. But as I said on Friday, the challenge was going to be tough as the mistake was extremely subtle.
For those that were wondering, the complete mistake was the fact that I inked Joey’s anime costume wrong. Everywhere on her costume that was black was supposed to be gray and all the gray was supposed to be black. A couple of you came close but I had to give out quite a few hints for you all to get the answers.
In any case, John Nacinovich (also known as Little John) was the first one to send me an e-mail so he was the first one to get the digital wallpaper. He already put it on his monitor and he posted it up on his Facebook and Twitter page but I wanted to show it below as well.
Here is the wallpaper on John’s monitor:
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