Today is my son’s birthday. Happy birthday, Tyler!

Also, for those that might be interested, I sent my money in to secure an artist table at Pittsburgh Comicon. The show is in April and once I have more information, I will post it here. I will also update my leftside bar so that it will reflect my new 2009 Con schedule.

Thus far, only Pittsburgh is on the slate but I’d like to attend Heroes Con, Baltimore Comicon and the Small Press Expo this year. All three of those cons are in driving distance of where I live but if anyone has any suggestions for other cons that they like, I’d love to hear what those might be. If they aren’t too far out of my driving range, I’ll think about going.

I was hoping to attend the Mid-Ohio Comicon back in the fall but just didn’t have the resources and found the travel was going to be a bit much. But what cons do you attend or are “must go to” shows? I’d love to hear them.

Currently listening to “London Calling” by The Clash
