Convenient Food…
This was the strip a lot of my Facebook and Twitter friends helped me with in terms of the first panel. Many of the things Roni’s brother is carrying are specific suggestions many of you all sent to me about a month ago when that whole controversy of Sarah Palin and her Alaska “reality TV” show detailed her killing that caribou.
Now, I’m not against hunting. I come from a long line of family members that traditionally hunted deer, wild turkey and other animals in the mountains of Virginia. I do, however, have a problem with so-called hunters when they ride in helicopters and shoot wild animals with high powered weapons. Or when they have to resort to using other military caliber type weapons. I’m also against killing animals for exploitative reasons – which I feel was the case with that caribou. Now, if that caribou meat was sent to a homeless shelter or it was used to feed one of those unfortunate families in Alaska, that’s one thing but I still find it odd that a family that is a s well off as the Palin’s obviously are feel like they have a need to hunt and kill wild animals in order to feed their family.
Again, I’m not against hunting. I have a great many uncles and cousins that have killed their fair share of deer and other wild animals. The only difference was they cooked and ate that deer meat AND they didn’t did it with tons of video cameras nearby.
Course, this is just my own little opinion so take it however way you want.
In other big news, as I mentioned on my Facebook page yesterday, over the Christmas break, I was able to complete the drawing, inking and coloring of the second Capes & babes book I’m still working on. Below is a small sample of the 2nd book cover.
Click on it to see a bigger version of the cover. Please, by all means, share with me what you think of it. I still need to do some work with all of the text that will go on the cover so some things about the two samples thus far may well change before the final book is printed – but feel free to bash away. Or compliment it too. Those are also welcomed.
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