Con Selling… #538
Everyone, welcome Terry Huddleston to the wonderful and zany world of Capes & Babes. On Friday night at the Pittsburgh Comicon last week, a bunch of my friends had what we called an “eat & draw” session at the local Golden Coral. My friends included Josh Lyman, Dan Nokes, his brother and a few others. One of those people was Terry Huddleston. Terry and I have had e-mail exchanges before but before last week, I never had an opportunity to get to know him all that well like I did that night at Golden Coral.
So what do I do? Yup, I draw a caricature of him while he’s eating various foods from the Golden Coral awesome buffet. And two days later, he’s talking to Dan Nokes about selling prints instead of original art and suddenly THIS strip pops in my head.
Okay, so I am still in the process of writing a detailed Pittsburgh Comicon report that I plan on posting SOON but in the mean time, here’s a small synopsis of last week…
I want to thank EVERYONE who weathered the stormy rains during the entire weekend of the con and still came out and bought stuff from me. First, I want to thank Brent Koontz for buying so many pre-con commissions from me prior to the show. Brent, I hope your kids really like the ones you got specifically for them! Second, I want to thank everyone who purchased books from me during the weekend. This year’s Pittsburgh Comicon, I saw the most books I have ever sold at a single con. You folks seem to really love the second book as I only brought 20 copies of Volume 2 with me and by Sunday, I had sold 16 of them. Most of you already had the first volume but for the five people who took a chance and bought the first issue, I hope you’re enjoying learning about the crazy world of Capes & Babes and I hope you stick around and go through the archives.
I don’t have last names here but I want to thank Jason, Brent, Rainey, Trebor, Tim, Pete and Rhonda for all buying either a book, sketch card or poster from me. There’s a lot more people that did the same but I failed to write down their names at the time of their purchases, so folks, if you bought something from me and I didn’t mention you, I apologize. If you did buy a book and are enjoying it, please feel free to contact me or comment on the blog so you can be included here as well.
And lastly, I really want to thank Todd McDevitt for hosting the New Dimension Comic party on Saturday night and allowing me, Dan and Josh (and later Amber Love) to hang out and draw a bunch of silly pictures during your party. I hope you’re enjoying the Capes & Babes calendar! It was great talking to you and I thank you for making us feel welcomed.
And speaking of Amber… she’ll be popping up in Wednesday and Friday’s strips. You don’t wanna miss THAT folks!
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