“Capes” sponsors a little league team…
So you guys say you like strips with elongated plots and story lines? Well, if you do, then you will certainly enjoy the next couple of strips as it all involves Capes ‘N Babes becoming a little league sponsor.
I thought it would be fitting to kick off such a story line seeing as the start of baseball season is JUST around the corner – at least for those Little League tykes in Northern Virginia, anyway. If you’re in a warm weather region (like Florida, California or Nevada), Little League (and baseball in general) has probably already been going on for a while. But not here in the cold nether regions of Northern Virginia.
High school baseball has already started, of course, but little league is still a few weeks away (if memory serves).
In any case, I hope you all enjoy the next couple of strips.
Thanks for coming by and checking me (and my strip) out. I very much appreciate it. Pass the word if you like. The more the merrier.
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