Okay, first, this is my second Swine Flu cartoon in a week. If you’re interested in seeing the other one I did, here it is: CMX Suite cartoon.

Now, for some good stuff…
Do you like you’re web comics zany, off the wall and completely unpredictable? If so, then you need to check out Adam Smithee – my fellow Webcomic Planet Collective partner – and his strip, The Apple of Discord.

I’ve often mention that I try to make Capes & Babes as unpredictable as possible but Adam has me beat hands down. His webcomic truly is as his tag line suggest – a webcomic experiment gone horribly wrong… anything from Gayzilla – a pink Godzilla wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting stick figure society to the explanation of why artists hate “teaming up” with writers. As Forest Gump would say… You just never know what yer gonna get”.

Adam may have a simplistic style but don’t let that simplicity fool you. What Adama may lack in terms of complex character design, he more than makes up for with his use of vibrant colors and his sharp, funny and sarcastic writing.

So if you’re interested in reading something just slightly off the well traveled path – okay, WAY off the well traveled path… then definitely you should check out The Apple of Discord webcomic TODAY!