Being a werewolf… #518
Folks, I wanna tell you about a show that I really enjoy and think you all should give it a chance – if you’re not watching it already. I know Mike & Molly started off with a lot of controversy about a show full of fat jokes but it’s become a lot more than just that. It really has become a relationship show… and not just between Mike and Molly.
It’s a relationship show about Mike and Carl, Carl and his grandmother, Mike and his mom, Mike’s mom and Molly and Mike and Molly’s family. And, of course, Mike and Molly.
It’s become one of my “must see” shows. Actually though, it’s really my ONLY must see show – mainly because Fios hasn’t offered it up as a Video-on-demand option yet. Video-on-demand is great as I can catch up on all the shows in one weekend that I miss during the week such as Burn Notice, Royal Pains, 30 Rock and others. But alas, no Mike & Molly.
I just wanted to give a shout-out to the show because there are a lot of themes in Mike & Molly that I’d like to explore with Capes & Babes as well. In fact, you’re beginning to see some small seeds of more relationship type stuff with this particular Katsucon/Anime/Cosplayer storyline between Roy and Roni. And don’t be surprised if you start seeing similar story arcs involving Joey and Marc as well.
In any case, give Mike and Molly a chance. It comes on every Monday at 9:30pm. Oh, and stick around for Hawaii 5-0 as well. You might enjoy that show too (I am required by marriage to mention that as it just happens to be my wife’s favorite show – just needed to point that out for disclaimer purposes).
In other news…
It looks like I will be able to have copies of the second book, You STILL Can’t Print Flick, available for the Pittsburgh Comic Con next month. I’m awaiting my proof copy from the printer and, if all goes well, I’ll be ordering books that I will be selling here at this site and at various conventions this summer. But Pittsburgh Comic Con will be the FIRST PLACE you can get YOUR copy!
Look for a bigger announcement soon right here on this blog!
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