Bad Cosplay Choices… #512
Does anybody have a spare time machine they have hanging around their garage that they aren’t using? If so, can I borrow it so I can fast forward to February 2012 so I can know what it will be like attending Katsucon 18 as a guest?
Yeah folks… you read that right. Thanks to my little blog post on Monday (and some VERY kind words and recommendation from Onezumi), it looks like this will be a big deal for next year. No paper work has been signed… no money has been exchanged… and 12 months is a LOOOOONG way away but I plan on doing everything in my power to be a part of Katsucon next year.
And thanks to Grig Larson’s invitation, I’m going to do everything to make that a reality.
Again, thanks, Grig! I’m honored and excited (even though the show IS 12 months away). Siiiigh…
Looking for a couple of volunteers…
Okay, so many of you know that I am currently in the middle of completing the second book – You STILL Can’t Print Flick – and I need your help. If you’re good at proofreading and would like to help me out, please send me an e-mail at capesnbabes [at] In exchange for helping me proofread the book, I would be willing to send you a free PDF of the finished book plus I’ll even throw in a free black and white 9×12″ character commission with free shipping and handling.
I know that’s not a ton in terms of compensation but it’s the best I can offer at the moment. If you’re interested, send me a little e-mail and we can get the ball rolling…
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