Age Old Question…
Today’s strip almost didn’t come to be. For the last couple of days, I have been trying to fight off a very severe sinus infection with mixed results. Coupled with my son’s autism insomnia the last couple of days as well and that does not make for a healthy combination. Finally, my body shut itself off Tuesday morning and I didn’t wake up until 2:00pm.
But still not feeling well, my infection didn’t break until way into the evening hours when I seriously thought about posting some filler art. Eventually though, I did feel enough energy to start drawing and, lo and behold, in the process, THIS strip was the result. Again, boys and girls, this is why it’s so important to create and maintain that wonderful thing called “a buffer”.
Now, as a result of my cold, there will not be a Werewolf Wednesday this week. But Werewolf Wednesday WILL be back NEXT Wednesday. Until then, get plenty of sleep, drink your orange juice and don’t come down with a sinus infection like good ol’ me!
Avery much Belated Werewolf Wednesday…
Thanks to E Kinsey for sending in the following pictures. Directly from E Kinsey’s e-mail:
“Not exactly a costume, but still pretty dang nifty.
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