A laughing stock…
Today, Hazel from Girls with slingshots and Andy from You’ll Have That both make a bit of a guest appearance in today’s strip. This strip mostly came about due to a Twitter feed in which Danielle Corsetto mentioned her reaction to Nicholas Gurewitch’s blog statement that he was going into semi-retirement with Perry Bible Fellowship. I have heard of PBF, of course, but for whatever reason, I was having a brain fart that day and didn’t put PBJ and Nicholas together. So, silly, me… I asked my Twitter friends who Nicholas Gurewitch was.
Within moments, I got bombarded with answers form many people on my Twitter feeds but Danielle and Wes Molebash were the first two to respond to me personally, so I thought I’d honor them by putting two of their signature characters into today’s strip.
Danielle does “Girls with Slingshots” and Wes does “You’ll Have That”.
In my imaginary web strip world, I picture all of the ‘Net’s web characters conversing with one another via a chatroom or Skype. Anf just like in high school, all the “popular” web comic characters know each other, hand out with each other and, of course, they almost ALWAYS keep a close eye out for any new Freshmen web comic characters that have suddenly transferred into “their” territory.
Heh! Wouldn’t that be cool? A web comic high school with all the characters from PvP, Evil Inc., You’ll Have That, Girls with Slingshots, Sheldon, Starslip… and then, imagine what the web comic version of “The Breakfast Club” might consist of.
Yes, it’s a very strange world in my head.
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