#954 – That Cat Marc…
I wanted to remind everybody that this Saturday – March 8th – I will be at the SMUDGE EXPO in Arlington, Virginia from 12 noon to 6:00pm. It’s a FREE event for anyone that wants to come to the event and check us out.
Here is a link to their website that’s also loaded with all sorts of information about the event:
SMUDGE EXPO – A comics Arts Expo
If you live in and around the Washington DC Metropolitan area, I hope to see you there this weekend!
PS: For those that are wondering about my niece, Jessica, I added a blog post that should appear directly below this entry. I thank everyone for all their kind words and generous thoughts. The link in the blog below includes a fundraising link Jessica’s siblings set up to help her mother (my sister’s wife) offset funeral costs and things such as that.
Jessica’s memorial services will be held this Friday (March 7th) in Woodbridge, Virginia. If you are interested in more information, please send me an e-mail or a Facebook message and I will be happy to provide more details.
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