#953 – Pretty Cool Dude…
UPDATE: We have started a fundraiser for Jessica and her mom (my wife’s sister). If you feel generous, any and all contributions would go a great way in order to help Jessica’s mom towards funeral arrangements and all the other things she shouldn’t be worrying about right now. here is the link:
This week has been a pretty tough one for me.
As you all may have noticed, there was no strip on Wednesday. There was going to be until Monday night, my sinuses started to play super havoc with me and way-laid me all of Tuesday. So that’s why there wasn’t a strip on Wednesday.
There almost wasn’t a strip today for a very, very serious, sad and shocking reason.
On the early dawn hours of Thursday morning, my wife got a phone call telling her that her 26 year old niece, Jessica, had a very serious asthma attack and suddenly, she was no longer with us. Twenty six years old and she’s no longer with us. Somehow, I am still trying to comprehend those words. I can’t even believe I’m even typing these words right now.
And she had a two year old son as well.
To say the least. my wife’s family is in pretty big shock right now – heck, I think I’m still in shock too.
Every now and then, I will have one of those weird dreams where I might be driving a car and suddenly there are no brakes and I’m
Chris, words fail me. There is nothing I can say or do but please know you and Judi and her niece are in my thoughts and prayers.
On a lighter note, I have a sinus headache and missed an update today, too.
So I blame you, my friend.
Thanks, Tim. That was pretty much my entire reaction yesterday. I’m gonna be like this for a while ‘cuz I still can’t believe it.
As far as the sinus thing goes, yeah, it seems like this will hit me really big once every winter. Fortunately, it seems to go away pretty fast. Usually, I just need some NyQuil and a full day of rest and then I’m good to go.
Chris, that’s awful news. As a creator, maybe you can write a story arc about what you and your family are feeling and going through. Even if you never draw it, writing it can be very threputic.
You have my sympathies.
Chris, I am so very sorry. My deepest condolences to you, Judi, Jessica’s mom, and all your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Chris, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. Hug Judi for me.