#872 – Brill-yent Idea…
Hey, if you think you know who the next Doctor might be – real or fictional – feel free to share in the comments below… especially if you think you might have a clue at Roy’s suggestion. It will be revealed on Friday.
Speaking of Friday, I will already be at Heroes Con by then but as is customary with my convention strips, if you’re planning on attending Heroes Con this weekend, read Friday’s strip, then go to my table at AA-1922 and tell me what suggestion Roy made to Steven Moffat and I’ll give you A FREE GIFT!
And speaking of Heroes Con…
Where you can find me at the show…
I will be at Artist Alley Table AA-1922. As mentioned on Monday, this year looks like the ENTIRE Charlotte convention center will be opened up to Heroes Con. That means the floor map looks like it is NOTHING BUT artists tables. Ordinarily, I would think that’s a bad thing as I might just get washed away in a sea of fish but the good news is I am strategically placed very close to the restrooms so, hopefully, my table will be hard to miss and will have lots of foot traffic throughout the weekend.
But just to help you find me exactly, here is the Heroes Con floor map with the most important information (click on the image to sdee a larger, more detailed view):
My guesses are Doc Holiday, Doctor No, Doctor Evil, Dr. Crusher, Dr. Quin Medicine Woman, Dr. River Song?
What? No love for Doctor Strange? Doctor Strange never gets any love…
TO be fair…. he is strange.
Have a great time at Heros Con!
My vote for Doctor Who? I have a few interesting choices, here you go. Christopher Walken. Seth Rogen. Paul Reubens.
Panel four wins forever.