#871 – Magic Explanation…
Next weekend is Heroes Con. This is usually one of my biggest shows. We’ll have to see how close it measures up to Awesome Con DC that was earlier this year as that was by far my best show to date.
Having said that though, I have a lot of artwork I need to complete for the show and not enough time to do it. Therefore, I may be running some Roy filler art all net week. Having said that though, if YOU would like to send me YOUR illustration of Roy going to Heroes Con – or something related to Roy and Heroes Con, I will run it as the main strip next week with full credit.
If you’re interested, send your illustration to me via e-mail at capesnbabes [at] gmail.com and I’ll run them next week.
Discussion (2) ¬
My coworker took a day off with friends to watch this multiple times.