646 – Cleaning decisions…
Whew-boy… that last panel took a little longer than anticipated, so this blog post will probably be pretty short. I will make an update to this post over the weekend because I have pictures from the 1st ever Annapolis Comic Con I attended last week, so I want to get those up soon!
That being said, today’s strip features once again, my good friend (and fellow artist), Josh Lyman. Josh commented on his Facebook page recently that he had to get rid of all of his old Wolfman comics. I made a snide reply about a certain werewolf being upset to hear that and, a few exchanges back and forth with Josh and I suddenly I had the idea for today’s strip.
And speaking of friends appearing in Capes & Babes, Dawn Griffin wrote up a nice little blurb about the strip I featured her and Ben “Tovias” McCormick. Go to her very excellent webcomic, Zorphbert & Fred and check it out. And don;t worry, whenever I have the chance to color Dawn again, she will ALWAYS be in Pink –
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