641 – Intervention Photo Collage…
Okay, so Intervention 2011 is now five hours old – over and done with. Now, being that Intervention Con is – relatively – in my own neighborhood (roughly 40 minutes or so away from my house), I could have easily driven back home, unpacked and immediately started working on tomorrow’s strip.
Or, I could have done what I have done after getting home from previous conventions… I could have had a “commission week” where I display some of the commissions I did during that particular con. Unfortunately, I didn’t do a single commission or sketch card while I was at my table for the last three days. Not to worry though. I DID sell lots of books of volume one (You Can’t Print Flick) and volume 2 (You STILL Can’t Print Flick) so all in all, it was a very good weekend. But it was very exhausting – mostly because it was also soooo much fun too! I took tons of photos to mark and share the event too…
Unfortunately, I see to have the absolute WORST luck with digital cameras though. The camera I was using SEEMED to be taking pictures all day long but when I got home this evening, I found out that something terrible had happened to the card in my camera. Only the pictures I took late last night and today ended up coming out or registering on the card. All the other pics were either not there, corrupted or I couldn’t open them. I’m not sure what I did or what happened but this experience has convinced me all too much that it’s time for me to hit Best Buy and really shop for a nice digital camera that I can look at, test drive and research.
If anyone has any suggestions for cameras they might recommend, I am looking for something that can take great indoor pictures, a big LCD screen, and one that is somewhere in the $60 – 125 range. If you have a camera that you would recommend, please add it to the comments section or email me directly at capesnbabes [at] gmail.com.
As it stands right now, this photo collage should have had even MORE photos of all my webcomic friends like Dawn Griffin (my table mate at Intervention), my room mate this past weekend – the incomparable Tony Digerolamo, my fake arch nemesis Ben “Tovias” McCormick, my improv partner in crime Travis Surber, my fellow Chris – Chris Otto and so, so, soooooo many more. But alas, the photos in the collage (with the exception of a handful of pictures of people who bought my books today) are the only survivors of the particular memory card that was in the camera.
But the memories are in my head and they’ll never die. Memories such as:
- Starting Intervention Con with THREE back-to-back-to-back panels. My throat was almost hoarse even before I got behind my table to sell anything!
- Running the first panel by myself as Jennie Breeden was running late – but then Tony Digerolamo walked by the panel and I talked him to crashing the panel and giving me a helping hand. It was the first panel we were ever “unofficially” on together.
- Spending three whole days bugging the hell out of Dawn and talking her ear off when there was little foot traffic in the convention room.
- Being amazed once again that Tony and I were able to get such a fantastic room rate at The Legacy Hotel!
- Going out to dinner with 20+ webcomic creators at a German micro-brewery and then trying to figure out how to pay for an almost $400 tab with a combination of multiple credit cards and lots and lots of cash (we paid it).
- Trying to find out where Rob Balder’s party was and getting there just in time to have the Hilton close it down or… re-assign it to another part of the Hilton…
- Watching (and laughing) at Tony trying to play a Connectix Horror game in the Intervention Game Room.
- PLAYING the same Connectix Horror Game and realizing just how difficult it really was. I only killed myself five times by accidentally walking into rotating blades…
- Then, finally, finding Rob’s “new” party and trying Candy Corn shooters for the first time.
- Being talked into trying Candy Corn shooters for the SECOND time.
- And wishing I hadn’t
- Repeating the same Penny Arcade weekend catch phrase (those that were there know what it was) all weekend long
- Participating in Webcomic Improv again this year (where’s da crackers at?)
- And trying sushi for the first time – and for the record, it was MUCH better than that SECOND Candy Corn shooter…
So please enjoy the photo collage for today. The comic strip will be back here on Wednesday.
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