607 – Firework…
So this one is a little late today. Most people are out and about doing the grilling while waiting for the sun to go down so they REAL celebration can begin, right?
Well, if you’re one of the few (like me) that are just sitting around waiting for your friends to show up, here’s a new Capes & Babes strip for you all.
And here’s a little Public Service thought for tonight, okay?
Remember… alcohol and things that go BOOM don’t really mix that well. If you’re going to shoot off fireworks, let’s be sober when we do so, okay? And let’s not forget about the animals too. Lots of loud noises will be going off tonight so think about them too, okay?
Other than that, to all the American readers of Capes & Babes, here’s hoping you have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July celebration!
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