604 – Teenage Movie Critics…
Today officially marks my daughter’s – yes, my teenage daughter, Dani (yeah folks, I’m THAT old) – first appearance ever in Capes & Babes. Technically, this is her second time ever appearing in something related TO Capes & Babes but this is the first time she has ever appeared IN the strip.
Her first appearance was on the back cover of my first book. She’s the random girl in the back wearing the green hat (for those that have bought the first book).
But today’s strip was the result of listening to her and her boyfriend (that’s him in the long hair) critique various movies we have seen together and why they find certain films “ridiculous”. So this week, I have decided to dedicate Capes & babes to their wild, teenage view points on a couple of films. I hope you all get as much kick out of them as I do listening to them talk while I drive my daughter’s boyfriend home after watching some of these movies.
Honestly, the things teenagers say… and the “logic” they come up with, is truly astounding.
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