600 – No All American Toy…
Today’s strip features my friend, co-worker and Philly fanatic, Bob. This came about as Bob and I were discussing my little car radio dilemma yesterday (it died last Friday but I’m getting a new one installed tomorrow). Bob mentioned to me that he likes to drive without his radio on and, well, I took it from there and let it go through the ol’ embellishing machine in my head and came out with this tonight.
I should also mention that Bob is a programmer and has written a cool little program for his Kindle that enables him to be able to read my Capes & Babes strips on that device. It’s actually pretty cool and I really need to make time to add it as a free feature on one of my sidebars soon. I keep telling him I’m going to do so but then conventions come, commissions are solicited and a whole bunch of other things keep getting in my way.
But if you have a Kindle and are interested in this program, let me know. I am definitely going to add it to the site – I just need to figure out WHEN!
Also as a reminder, Stephen from the Our Last Gasp webcomic will be appearing in my annual Heroes Con story arc starting on Monday and featuring Roy, so make sure you’re ack here on Monday.
And don’t be afraid to tell other people about this strip either!
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