557 – Catwoman and Friends: Heroes Commissions…
Blog update: No new strip for Monday – YET! I had a bunch of things to do yesterday morning, then FINALLY played in one of my Men’s Senior baseball Games at 2:00pm. Got home later on in the evening only to discover the power was out from a pretty bad storm in my area. My wife says the power was out from 4:00pm and didn’t come back on until close to 11:30pm last night. So… I’ll try to get something new up later on today.
Folks, I have to type this pretty fast as there is one big huge storm going on outside and I have no idea if the power might go out.
So… here is the piece I put in to the Heroes Con Art Auction. It is 11×17″ in full color markers. I wish I could tell you how much it went for but it wasn’t put up in the main auction on Saturday night. Instead, it was reserved for the silent auction on Sunday. The last I heard, it had a bid for somewhere between $150 and $200. So hey, as I said yesterday, at least I didn’t go directly behind Adam Hugh’s $12,000 painting this year!
Some other great news:
I was on a podcast last night. Brian Dunaway and I finally got to meet while at Heroes Con last week so he invited me to be a guest on his podcast last night. I recorded the show with Brian, Denver Brubaker and Joel Duggan.
It was for episode #116 so it won’t be posted until Monday but I wanted to go ahead and mention that because it was a lot of fun doing this whole “podcast thing”. Matt… quit oohhing and ahhing over your daughter. We gotta get the Lightbox Podcast going again!
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