556 – SHAZAM Bear: Heroes Commissions continued…
I have a confession to make… I was going to use MY photo that I took of this particular commission but it really looked lousy and washed out. No amount of Photoshop manipulation was going to save it either. I tried.
So I did the next best thing.
I went to John Nacinovich’s Facebook page, clicked on his Photo album and saw that yes, indeed, he had taken a BETTER picture of this commission I did for him.
So I used HIS instead!
Little John (as he likes to be called) and I sat next to each other during Heroes Con’s “Drink and Draw” party held at Fuel last weekend. John is also the guy I did the Green Lantern/Disney’s Robin Hood Little John mash-up last year. Any way, we got to talking about the old 1970’s Shazam TV show. Earlier in the day, wanted me to do a commission of the same Disney Robin Hood bear – only this time, as SHAZAM but I really didn’t have an idea in my head about what I was going to do.
Until we got into that conversation about that old TV show. Later that night, I
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