553 – 96 Degrees at Heroes Con…
I am writing this from the future as it is Wednesday night and I’m in “packing mode” for Heroes Con. This is my fourth year in a row attending Heroes Con and even though I enjoy all the East Coast shows I attend, Heroes still holds a very special place in my heart as it was the very first con I decided to attend as an artist in “Artist Alley”. Everyone in Charlotte, North Carolina made me feel like a big, big star – even though I only had 125 strips of Capes & Babes online and was selling the first 80 in a series of mini-comics for $2.00 a pop.
Ever since then, I promised myself I’d make every effort to come back. Ultimately, my goal is to someday be invited to display INSIDE the fabled INDIE ISLAND at Heroes Con. I’m not there yet but as you can see form the floor map below, apparently I’m getting closer!
If you plan on attending the three day even this weekend, remember… mention today’s strip when you come to my table and I will give you a FREE GIFT!
Really, how can you beat an offer like that? And here’s a real easy way to find me too!
So even though I’m not in Charlotte yet, here’s hoping that I see you and that you come by and say “Hi”. Don;t be shy. Just look for the five foot tall Roy stand-up!
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