551- All-American Cook-out…
So… how do you do a strip honoring veterans for Memorial Day without it being overly hokey or not paying proper respects for the reason why American celebrate today? I don’t know if you can but I thought, since Memorial Day has become essentially an American celebration to enjoy a day off and grill, I would do my own version of that by featuring a cast of American-themed super heroes going over to Marc’s place for a cook-out.
Now, I’m not sure WHY Memorial Day has become such an American custom when there are veterans from all over the world that should be honored for the sacrifices they made – and continue to make – to their own respective countries. I know those countries have their own form or Memorial Day just like we do here in the U.S., but I just think it would be great if the entire world could celebrate all of their veterans on the same day – just so it wouldn’t be strictly an American holiday. Wishful thinking, I know, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?
Also, for the first person who e-mails me all the coorect names of all the characters in this strip… how ’bout a free sketch card? Does that sound good to you? If so, e-mail me your entries as soon as you get this. Email them to capesnbabes [at] gmail.com. The first person that gets ALL of them right, wins.
Pretty simple, right?
Happy Memorial Day to all of our armed service men and women EVERYWHERE!
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