#1005 – Safer Travels…
Well, I totally messed up…
As I was going through my scans for this story arc, I realized I had accidentally forgotten to post this strip in the place where it was supposed to be. So, for any of you all going through the archives, you’ll get this “bonus” strip. I also reorganized the last couple of strips so everything falls in line as it was originally supposed to.
Fortunately, there were only a couple of strips that needed date adjustments.
Also, if you’re wondering why the strips were originally in color but now are greyscale on the site, that was a mistake as well. The color strips were originally supposed to be only on my Patreon site. I had forgotten to change them to greyscale before posting. And, in case you’re wondering, the strips are also much bigger on Patreon than they are here.
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