#1004 – Pinto Time Machine Death Trap…
So the inspiration for this particular idea should be credited to my best friend, Jeff Lacquement, who did indeed drive a bright orange Ford Pinto throughout our high school years.
I figured what better vehicle to put Roy in than a flux capacitor attached to the back end of a beat up old, orange Ford Pinto. So, Jeff, this one’s for you!
Now, having said that, I thought it would be an easy thing to find a classic version of the Pinto logo with the kicking horse to add to this car but noooooooooo!
It took three times longer to find any kind of Pinto logo that I could reasonably use than it did to actually sketch, ink, scan and color this entire piece. And that is
no exaggeration. If any of you are able to find a nice, clean version of this particular Pinto logo on the web then your internet kung fu skills are way better than mine
and I bow to your greatness.
So what’s that big announcement I mentioned last week?
Well, on February 23rd, after five years at my current company, I will be starting a new job with a new company and will be working in Washington DC three times a week.
That will mean my commute will now be an extra 40 – 45 minutes more than it is now and I’m not exactly sure what my set hours will be – I will know that at my orientation.
What this will mean for the future of this strip – or even going to various conventions this year – is a great unknown. I won’t really be able to answer any of those questions until
I have had a chance to get acclimated to this new position and new job responsibilities. That’s a little why I was reluctant to mention this before but since this is really going to happen,
I figure I should let you all know.
I’m still planning on continuing the strip as well as go to shows here and there but I’m not sure what kind of update schedule I might have. Even if I didn’t start a new job, one of the personal goals I
had for 2015 was to work in a much more healthier way instead of insisting on not going to bed until the next day’s strip is up – even if that meant hitting the sack at 2:30am. I am not going to do that any more.
If that might mean there is a day or so without a Capes & Babes update, then that means there’s a day without an update. My intention is to try and work on as many strips as I can from Friday – Sunday and
if I can’t get three strips done on a weekend, well there might not be three strips posting that week.
Again, much of this will all be determined by my new job and what might be involved with it.
So, I just wanted all of you to know there are unknown changes coming in my personal life that might or might not affect Capes & Babes. But… we’re still not going anywhere. 🙂
Congratulations on the new job! Don’t worry about us readers (twitch) we can get a(twitch)long fine while you settle into (spasm) your new schedule WHO AM I KIDDING MORE STRIPS NOWNOWNOW… *ahem*… as I say, can handle whatever schedule you work on!
Thanks, CptNerd! I very much appreciate it.
And I am still planning on being at this year’s InterventionCon no matter what as well! 🙂
Congrats on the new job! I start orientation two days later for my new role.
And I agree about doing more work throughout the weekend.
Is something wrong with my phone. It displays the strip in color now. 😉
Best wishes.
No, nothing is wrong with your phone, Tim. I just forgot to convert my color files to greyscale before uploading them to the site. I fixed them now so every strip except the Pinto Time Machine is in greyscale. I decided to leave the Pinto strip in full color because it looked so great! 🙂
Behold the power of DuckDuckGo. All I do is type !gi ford pinto logo and the first item?
Thanks, man… but many of those Pinto logos that came up from your search were similar ones I found as well. Very few of them were usable in the way that I needed them to be so I just did the best that I could. 🙂