My Convention Bio
My Convention Bio Photo:
My Convention Bio:
Chris is a freelance illustrator and professional web and graphic designer working in the Washington DC area who has been writing and drawing webcomics since 2003. In the fall of 2007, Chris created Capes & Babes and now has over 1,000 Capes & Babes strips posted online – all of which you can read for free at
Chris is also a member of The Webcomic Alliance in which he contributes articles and participates in two monthly podcast with the group. You can find out more about The Webcomic Alliance at
When he’s not doing any of those thing listed above, it’s usually because, throughout the year, he is busy attending multiple conventions up and down the east coast of the United States.
If you would like to see some of Chris’ professional design and illustration work, you can do so by visiting You can also find Chris on Facebook and Twitter as “capesnbabes” and he can be found on Google+ as “Chris Flick”.
You should strike the word either from the second sentence in both versions as you don’t an “or” following it.
Otherwise, they both look pretty good.
Grrr… I know I was THINKING “don’t HAVE an ‘or’ following the either”.
Thanks for the suggestions, Naleta. Those were old bios I believe I had written on the fly as a convention needed something for their website.
After looking them over – as well as reading your suggestions – I decided they needed a total re-write. But after re-writing the first bio, I realized it was pretty concise and to the point and there really wasn’t a need for a second, shorter version. 🙂