2014 Postcard Design – Filler…
Sorry folks, but as much as I wanted to have a new strip posted today, it just wasn’t happening. This weekend was incredibly busy for me. It all started on Friday with my niece’s wake that afternoon. It was followed by a long dinner with her extended family, friends and relatives. But the evening didn’t stop there.
As soon as I got home, I had to start making preparations for The Smudge Expo that was the next day. I also had to start working on the Capes & babes promotional postcard artwork as well since I will be doing three shows in April and needed to get new cards done as soon as possible. The Batminion art and design you see as the front of the card is the result of working late Friday night.
The Smudge Expo maybe have started at 12 noon but I had to be there by 10:00am to get set up. It was a terrific show and I ended up doing caricature sketch cards for most of the day. That meant I ended up being one of the last ones to break down and leave the venue. And, because my niece’s wake was the same day as my wedding anniversary, the plan was for my wife to meet me at my parent’s house due to the fact they live 20 minutes away from where the Smudge Expo was being held. I got to my folks house late and we had trouble finding a place to eat. We ended up settling on Outback Steakhouse. Had a great meal and once we got home, my wife finally wanted to unwind and partake of some “adult beverages” since the last week and half had been especially hard for her since Jessica was actually her niece by blood. As I said when I spoke at Jessica’s wake, I’M only her uncle by marriage. But speaking for Jessica hit me a little more emotionally than I was expecting so I decided to join my wife with partaking of some devil’s brew.
Of course, not the greatest thing to do when you lose an hour of sleep the next day.
The weekend was still not over for me though. Like I said, the final postcard designs really needed to be complete this weekend so I would have plenty of time to get them by the second weekend of April when I’ll be at the Tidewater Convention, followed by Awesome Con and then another one day Virginia Comic Con show. Oh yeah, and because I also had such a great day at the Smudge Expo, it was time to order a new set of Capes & Babes books as I only had three Volume One’s left. So I did that as well.
Aaaaaand… I also had to write a Webcomic Alliance article that needed to be posted today as well. That article is actually live right now so if you want to read it, just click the Smudge Expo Interview link right here.
Oh… and then I promised my mom I would help her with some image and photo scanning too – plus I had to pick up my car from the previous night since my wife wanted to start the “adult beverage drinking” during dinner while I played “designated driver”.
So yeah, my schedule has been all over the place and somewhat chaotic. But hopefully, in the next few weeks, things will get much, much better and will start to become routine once more.
But before I forget…
If the back of the postcard strip is too hard to read, here is the original Hall and Oates Karaoke strip that ran back on January 7th, 2011 (my son’s birthday). I had four strips I was trying to decide to use ended up deciding to ultimately go with The Watcher singing “Private Eyes” thanks to James Rowe and John Nacinovich informing me that Marvel was planning to do a huge Watcher cross-over event this summer – so it seemed like a no-brainer to go with The Watcher strip. So thanks again, James and John for letting me know that. It made the decision process soooooo much easier.
Happy to be of assistance.