My friend, Ainsley…
Folks, I would like you all to meet a very special artist I met at Free Comic Book Day at Little Fish Comics on Saturday afternoon. Her name is Ainsley.
Ainsley and her mom asked me a bunch of questions about being a cartoonists and they bought my first book. But that’s not the best thing at all.
The best thing was the next day when I opened my e-mail and saw this:
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me about how you draw your comics.
Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to Ainsley. She said she’s going to try to draw every day from now on!
You guys are both absolutely welcome! And really, drawing every day is really good practice and advice even for artists like me who have been drawing for a very, very long time. That’s the only way any of us improve! 🙂