My own Blank Label Comics…
So folks… my apologies. I wanted the blog post under today’s strip to display this but I had internet connection problems late into the evening last night so I’m making it now, instead.
For a long time, I have posted on my Facebook and Twitter feeds how much I wanted to get back into podcasting since Matt Stout and I stopped recording our Lightbox Podcast. By the way, speaking of Matt, you all should go to his Facebook wall and tell him congratulations. Him and Sara are expecting their second child. Way to go, Matt! Oh, but I digress…
So last week, Dawn sent me an e-mail asking me if I’d like to join their most distinguished group. Many of you have heard me be a guest podcaster on their program and I always enjoyed filling in whenever I could, so naturally, I jumped at the chance to join this crazy circus. As I said last week on the Webcomic Workshop podcast, it felt good to finally get called up from the minor leagues on a more permanent basis.
what a write-up! Welcome aboard the Crazy Train, Chris! and no, the foreword had nothing to do with you being asked to join.. your excellent guest appearances on the podcasts and your dedication to your craft and con experience did! So, go you!
So… do you accept cash or credit, Dawn? 😉
Good for you, miss hearing your perspective. What happened to Ken and Antoine? I particularly thought Staub’s experience added a lot to the show.
Thanks, Tim. Byron or Dawn would know more about Ken and Antoine. I think it was more or less just that their schedules were getting really hectic? Not sure.