Where’s Chris…
As that little promo to the left says… I’ll be attending the Baltimore Comic Con August 20 and 21st. Baltimore is one of my favorite shows – mainly because it’s one of the largest shows on the east coast that requires the least amount of travel for me.
Believe it or not, I have attended every Baltimore Comic Con since the show started. Mostly, I attended as a fan but the last several years, I’ve had a table in Artist Alley – as I will this year. I have to say, it’s been a very unique experience watching the Baltimore show grow… first as a fan than as a tabling artist. In fact, it has grown so much, I have often told anyone who cared to listen that I am shocked that the show is still only a Saturday and Sunday show. I fully anticipate the Baltimore Comic Con soon expanding to three days in the next couple of years. I would be very surprised if that never happened…
But if you’re on the east coast that weekend, swing by the Baltimore Convention Center and say “Hi!”. As soon as the show announces locations for everyone, I will let you know right here on this blog.
A few weeks after the Baltimore Comic Con ends, the second Intervention Con will start (Sept. 16-18th). That image above is the t-shirt design for this year’s show. It was done by Chris Impink of Super Art Fight fame (as well as a bunch of other great projects too).
I spoke before about Intervention Con being a catch all kind of a convention… its got webcomic artist, manga and anime artists, independent and small press artists, music, videos, games, cosplaying… anything you have ever seen at any type of convention, Intervention Con will have it! But truly, this will be one of the biggest shows that has the highest number of web comic creators attending that won’t get swallowed up by movie studios, artists from “The Big Three” or anything like that.
It will be the BEST time to talk to many of your favorite webcomic creators in an intimate, almost one-to-one setting.
When the Small Press Expo began in Bethesda, Maryland years ago, I didn’t start going to that show until they had reached their 6th birthday and had grown to be pretty big themselves. Well, I sort of imagine Intervention Con being a little like SPX when they first got their start years and years ago… it’s exciting. It’s new. It’s fresh and I can’t wait to see you there in September!
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