The 2011 Capes & Babes
12 Month Calendar:
It’s 11 x 17 inches, glossy finish, and costs $20.00 (+S&H).Upon purchase, the calendars ship between3-5 business days.
Featuring various strips from the first book and collected strips in the soon-to-be-published second Capes & Babes TPB collection.
You can preview all of the months before you
The calendar looks nice. If I was to buy it, I would have to send you a U.S. Money Order. I also wanted to know when you are planning to have a book printed on this comic and if you would use Amazon.com or other book stores like Chapters (there are some in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)? Please let me know about this. Thank you, Mr. Chris Flick.
Hey Teresa, I created that calendar for 2011. I didn’t do one for 2012 for a number of reasons – but I might do another one next year. I just have to plan it far enough in advance (which I didn’t do this year).
As for books, I actually have two books out now – Volume 1 and 2 – and I’m currently working on Volume 3. Now that I have transferred my site to iPage as host, I need to make some time to create a new Online store. I’m going to try and have that done before the end of the month. It depends on how time consuming it becomes putting the third book together.
In the mean time though, you CAN find both my books on Amazon.com here:
My second book SHOULD be on Amazon but I can’t seem to locate the link at the moment. However, if you’re interested in both books, send me an e-mail at capesnbabes [at] gmail.com and we’ll figure what I might have to do to get these shipped to Canada. That’s where you’re from, correct?
Just e-mail me and we’ll figure something out.
Okay, no problem. Yes, I live on the West Coast of Canada.