More Commissions & Avatars…
This is a little overdue but back in early December, I was commissioned to do a Christmas present of an illustration featuring The Hulk and Chuck Norris. Because it was a Christmas present, I couldn’t post it before then and afterward, I got caught up in doing various things for the strip that I forgot about it. but there it is in the first image below.
The other two images are Twitter Avatar caricatures I’ve recently completed. If you’re interested in having a custom Twitter Caricature Avatar created for you, go to my “Commissions” page to find out more information (as well as view bigger versions of the three images below).
Custom Twitter or Forum Caricature Avatars
You can click any of the images above to see bigger versions or you can go to my Commissions Page and find out how YOU can have YOUR OWN Custom Caricature Avatar today!
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