Okay, okay… I TOTALLY admit I wish I could do even a BAD British accent. As it stands now, my “so-called” British accent wouldn’t even make it through the first round of auditions of American Idol. No, really, it’s that bad! Oh, I can do a pretty decent Fozzy Bear, Grover or Yoda. Case in point: my daughter used to love it when she was younger and I used to read her “The monster at the end of the book” in Grover’s voice…

And heck, I can do a whole lot of really crazy type voices that really aren’t accents. They’re just weird characters or voices that spring up in my head.

Okay, so what does any of this have to do with today’s strip? Now much. It’s just what popped into my head when I typed in the title of this blog.

As far as the strip goes, I mentioned this in a previous post how I really started liking “Al the Alien”. Originally, “Al the Alien” made his first appearance as a character jam on an art forum called R3. Here’s the link to my original sketch if you want to check it out:

And here’s the link to the art forum where the above sketch first appeared:

In my world, “Al the Alien” would definitely have a kick ass, cool British accent…

Currently listening to The Tubes’ “She’s a beauty”…
